The Vision Sciences Research Program is based at the University Health Network but open to graduate faculty located across the University of Toronto.
Prospective members should apply to VSRP Director, Dr. Valerie Wallace, by contacting Pranavie Premkumar, VSRP Business Administrator.
To become a member, University of Toronto Faculty must:
Be a member of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Toronto, in any of the four divisions:
Division I: The Humanities
Division II: The Social Sciences
Division III: The Physical Sciences
Division IV: The Life Sciences (includes IMS)
Apply to be a member of the VSRP
Provide evidence to demonstrate that they are actively involved in research
Provide evidence to demonstrate funding (preferably from peer-reviewed sources), adequate to support a student's research project to completion
The proposed member's specialty need not be vision research, BUT the proposed research project for the student scholarship MUST be related to vision science or vision health.
Faculty appointments are for five year terms, with renewal subject to satisfactory committee review.