Vision Science Research Program
Vision Science Research Program
Can we reverse age-related vision loss?
Vision Science Research Program
Studying the science of sight

Research Events

Trainees and Faculty of the Vision Science Research Program participate in the learning activities of the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science. Two research events are held each year.

Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science Faculty Research Day and Martin J. Steinbach Lecture

This annual half-day event is chaired by Dr. Agnes Wong, Vice Chair, Research and Academic Affairs. It brings together faculty from across the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science to share details of their ongoing research projects and research findings through a series of oral presentations. Held in November, the event is an opportunity early in the academic year for VSRP trainees to learn more about the range of research happening at the University. Awards from the department’s Research Day the previous spring are also announced.

A highlight of the day is the Martin J. Steinbach Lecture, which brings a respected scientist from outside the University to present their research in an emerging area of vision science.  Trainee attendance is required.

Learn more about current year's Faculty Research Day.

Annual Ophthalmology Research Day and Clement McCulloch Lecture

This full-day event is the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science’s largest research-focused gathering. Held in May, researchers and clinicians from across the Department attend. Students, residents, and fellows from across the University’s vision science programs are invited to submit abstracts for inclusion in oral or poster presentations. Prizes are awarded for the best papers and posters. VSRP students are encouraged to submit; attendance is required.

The Clement McCulloch Lecture is the highlight of Research Day. A visiting professor is invited to speak on an important research topic. Learn more about the annual DOVS Research Day.