Vision Science Research Program
Vision Science Research Program
Can we reverse age-related vision loss?
Vision Science Research Program
Studying the science of sight

Recognizing Excellence

The Vision Science Research Program offers two awards to trainees within the program in recognition of outstanding achievement.

The Stella Zegas‐Dunn Graduate Scholarship in Vision Science

This award is given to the most outstanding MSc or PhD graduate student completing a thesis in vision science at the University of Toronto. It may be awarded to a trainee in any graduate department.

This award honours Stella Zegas‐Dunn, a graduate administrator in the Department of Immunology, who succumbed to cancer in the early 1990s. Her husband, Dr. James Dunn, was Vice‐president for research of Visible Genetics, a company that has played an important part in the history of the Vision Science Research Program.

In 2016-2017, the Stella Zegas‐Dunn Graduate Scholarship is held by Amanda Miles, PhD student in Cell & System Biology Department in the laboratory of Dr. Vince Tropepe.   Amanda is working on retinal development and retinal stem cells.




The William P. Callahan Fellowship for Clinician Scientists

This award is given to the most promising PhD in vision sciences, who has completed training as a physician. This award acknowledges the vital importance of clinician scientists in bringing research findings to clinical application.

This award is named for the late ophthalmologist, Dr. William P. Callahan, founder of the Eye Research Institute of Canada, the precursor to the Vision Science Research Program (see our history).  Dr. Callahan was on the staffs of St. Michael's Hospital, The Hospital for Sick Children, and The Toronto General Hospital and was a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Toronto.

In 2014-2015, the William P. Callahan Fellowship is awarded to Dr. Michael Richard. Dr. Richard is studying the underlying neuroscience of amblyopia (lazy eye).